Category Reader’s quest

How to Winterize Your Boat’s Fuel Tank

How to Winterize Your Boat’s Fuel Tank

When it comes to making a long-term based boat storage preparation, planning the proper fuel treatment becomes a vital matter. The traditional process of winterizing the boat’s fuel tank changed remarkably in recent times, and that credit goes to the…

Tips for Boating in Shallow Water

Tips for Boating in Shallow Water

Boating in a shallow waterway through some country wheat field as the sun turning everything around orange is certainly a heavenly feeling. But there’s a saying, “danger hides in beauty and beauty in danger.”When it comes to boating in shallow…

How to choose a marine battery

How to choose a marine battery

It’s not about rowing your boat with an oar anymore, as motorized boats are on the lead nowadays. To support the engine and plenty of other features like a fish finder, navigation light, and trolling motors – marine batteries have…

How to Cover a Boat with a Tarp

How to Cover a Boat with a Tarp

Usually, when you let your boat take some rest for quite some time around the winter, it’s a good idea to cover it up. While many may opt for some expensive methods to save the boat like fitted covers or…